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About us - RE-BELLS®

About us

Rebellujeme v každej kaviarni, bare, klube, či reštaurácii

Our Mission

Reduce waiting time and improve customer experience in restaurants, cafes and bars.

The Journey

When we came up with RE-BELLS® we had no idea this will be our core business. As a company we were focused on bringing innovation to business customers, until once we got a request to develop a good looking waiter call device for a cafe bar. We truly enjoyed working on the project from the very beginning. During the development phase we tested few designs and cooperated with waiters to make sure the system is easy to use. After we delivered the product, people started calling in, requesting our solution. We made a few more, but the demand for system RE-BELLS® was so high we turned our focus solely on this product. We knew we came up with something different, our product has aesthetic value and therefore high use-rate. After acquiring more clients we began to receive positive feedback from owners regarding increase in revenue and customer satisfaction. Today we know we have the Worlds Tallest Waiter Call Button with high-use rate and positive effects on business. We are now rebelling our way until every cafe, bar, restaurant and club will use our technology to improve customer experience and reduce waiting time.

Mato Bodnar, CEO and co-founder

The Team

Mato Bodnar

Mato Bodnar

Co-founder and CEO

Vladimir Stec

Vladimir Stec

Co-founder and CFO

Matus Selecky

Matus Selecky


Jan Skvara

Jan Skvara

Junior developer

Duri Juricko

Duri Juricko

Graphic Designer

Lucia Janosikova

Lucia Janosikova

Online presence



The Dog

some of our references





  • Našimi najlepšími priateľmi pri každom stole v našom caffe bare sú zvončeky RE BELLS. Dôvod? Sú pekné, vkusné, inteligentné a pracovité. Každé zazvonenie je pre nás čas venovaný zákazníkovi a čas sú peniaze a peniaze sú zisk !!! Silno odporúčame !!!My sme NAD mieru spokojní.Vždy keď sa vyskytne menší problém,samozrejme fakt len minimálne a to už s RE-BELLS spolupracujeme vyše roka.Chalani sú ochotní zlatí milí a hneď je všetko vyriešené.Preto nesúhlasím s každou negatívnou recenziou,musí to byť LEN NEDOROZUMENIE.

    Monika Ivanková Avatar Monika Ivanková
    March 23, 2018

    Super riešenie na privolanie obsluhy! Dizajnové, spoľahlivé, moderné, funkčné. Každá väčšia prevádzka by ich mala mať.

    Veronika Vichrestova Avatar Veronika Vichrestova
    March 13, 2018

    We are very satisfied with the bells. What we enjoy most is how they can lift people's mood: o) They are pleased to see the casino come to them. Most appreciate the helpfulness in solving problems. Fast communication, willingness to solve the problem as soon as possible. In case of minor defects, I immediately send a courier with a new bell in exchange for a faulty one.

    Marcela Kanabová Avatar Marcela Kanabová
    March 22, 2018
  • Vedení slovenské pobočky a její zakladatelé se vůči naší restauraci v Praze zachovali správně. Tímto děkuji panu Štecovi za přeji hodně úspěchů ✌️

    Tom Voboril Avatar Tom Voboril
    March 25, 2018

    Službu Re-bells používame prakticky od jej vzniku, aktuálne ju využívame na 3 prevádzkach a sme s ňou veľmi spokojní. Doporučujeme.

    nico presov Avatar nico presov
    March 22, 2018

    We are very satisfied with the bells. We enjoy the most how they know how to lift people's mood :o) They are happy when the hostess immediately runs to them. I appreciate the helpfulness in solving problems the most. Fast communication, willingness to solve the problem as soon as possible. In the case of even a minor defect, they immediately send a courier with a new bell to replace the defective one.

    Marcela Kanabová Avatar Marcela Kanabová
    March 22, 2018

Customer Care

Our team does its best to provide high customer care, in fact in the customer support survey we received amazing score 10 / 10 from more than hundred support issues solved.

Within 24 hours we managed to solve 93% of issues.