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Rush hour - RE-BELLS®

Rush hour

Peak times are potential gold mines



Experiment (June 2016): The effect of RE-BELLS® Waiter Call System

Restaurant serves lunch, the peak time at lunch is from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, 10 tables, 2 waiters.

 1 week without RE-BELLS® 

  • Waiters served from 11.30 am – 1:30 pm 30 tables
  • One table spent in average 40 minutes
  • In one hour, each table is used 1.5 times

1 week with RE-BELLS®

  • Waiters served from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm 33 tables
  • One table spent in average 36 minutes
  • In one hour, each table is used 1.67 times

Waiting has shorten in average by 4 minutes with system RE-BELLS®.

RE-BELLS® can speed up the service and grow sales.

  • during experiment 30% of guests used RemoteBells for calling waiter or to request bill
  • peak time is 2 hours and repeats 4 times in one week during lunch
  • every table is in average used by 3 guests at once, which represent 16,00 €

Each day during the experiment, the rastaurant was able to serve lunch to 3 additional tables. Thanks to speeding up services restaurant grew their revenue by 48,00 € daily and 768,00 € monthly. Revenue growth of 768,00 € monthly represents a 3.5 % growth.



Long waiting is a problem…

Dube-Rioux at al. (1988) in a research identified 3 phases of waiting in service delivery:

  • pre-process (from the moment guest sits and waits to be served),
  • in-process (from the time being served until receiving the ordered meal),
  • post-process (waiting for bill and paying).

Next his research shows, that waiting in the pre-process has the highest impact on the overall satisfaction rating and percieved satisfaction. Next phase with the largest impact on satisfaction is the post-process phase, when guest is about to leave, but still has to wait for a bill and pay.

Reasearch of Allon and Federgruen (2007, 2008) shows, that consumers are chosing service providers mostly by the time they have to sacrifice. Next the research prezents, that time and price are the most important criteria when chosing a service provider.

Taylor (1994) also finds out, that waiting time has a significant impact on the customer satisfaction. He encourages managers to always look for ways, how to speed up the process in service providing.

This is also closely related to restaurant revenue and the managment method Restaurant Revenue Managment. This method encourages managers to adjust prices, menu and process time with the goal to maximize profit (Kimes et al., 2002).

Venkateson and Anderson (1985) recommend managers to focus mainly on speeding the pre-process phase (waiting to order) in order to provide better services. From a consumer point of view, waiting is a negative emotion similar to anger (Taylor, 1994, Hui and Tse, 1994).

Staffino conducted a research on 4 000 respondents. The research finds out, that 36% of all the complaints in restaurant and bars are regarding slow and mindless staff.

Be a part of study

Wondering how much could your restaurant gain in revenue, would you like to take part in this experiment? Contact us and we will give you free RE-BELLS® and all you need to conduct this experiment at your business.